Thursday, June 3, 2010

Do you even know where El Salvador is?

This is sad. I'm gonna be completely honest. I think I am a geography whiz, and usually do very well (that one time) when quizzed for hours on end at Amherst Coffee by a burly man with a beard, but when I showed up at the Nut House to open my acceptance package I was genuinely confused to read El Salvador and not know a god damn thing about it. I mean, it could have said Azerbaijan and I would have known exactly where that was but El Salvador threw me for a serious loop.

Well for those of you like me who do not know anything about it, here is a map.

I live in north west El Salvador near Metapan. It's my nearest pueblo but is about an hour to an hour and a half away depending on dust or mud. My caserio is due east of Metapan but closer to the Rio Lempa than Metapan.

El Salvador is about the exact same size as Massachusetts but it takes me at least 4 hours to get from La Pena to the Capital San Salvador.

They eat a lot of pupusas here. They are wonderful and like most of the things we eat in the United States not extraordinarily health conscious. Cheese, beans, maiz.

Camiones look like this. This is what I ride into Metapan with from La Pena. An hour an a half in a dust bowl to arrive looking like Ashy Larry.

The Celtics are in the NBA Finals tonight. Let's do it.

One of these days I'll put some of my own pictures up but for the time being I don't have any.

Any questions feel free to ask. I sincerely appreciate the support, the questions, complaints, packages, and 'go fuck yourself' letters. Keep them coming.


  1. Hi. I've been reading your blog and I seriously love it! I've learned many things that I didn't know about. I was once in Metapan about 3 years ago. I traveled to El Salvador to go on vacation and visit family. It was my first time there. Both my parents were born in El Salvador but I was born here, in the U.S. I've been doing a lot of reading on Metapan lately, b/c my birth father is supposed to be living somewhere there. I've been trying to track him down by Facebook, but no luck whatsoever. Anywho, I really love reading about the different types of things you experience everyday. Keep up the good writing!

  2. I was born in Cuba and raised in the USA. I have never been back, but would like to travel the world someday. I love your writings as I live vicariously through them.Please keep it up!

  3. By the way, the Average Joe is a blog I started, but my real name is Susana. :)
