Monday, May 10, 2010

Sufrexal and Losing My Audience

It´s been a while, huh, guys?
A little birdy told me that if I didn´t write something new soon I was going to lose my audience...

So here I am scrambling to throw a proverbial bone.

You´ll find out soon how hard it actually is for me to throw anything right about now.

I´ve been prescribed Sufrexal.

Sufrexal- Ketanserin

Each 100g of gel contain:
Ketanserin base - 2 g
PEG base qs - 100 g

Therapeutic Indications of Sufrexal gel is indicated as aid in the treatment of the following conditions:
-Dermal ulcers and non-neoplastic uterine cervix ulcers
-Traumatic wounds such as decubitus ulcers
-Preparation of tissue for grafts and flaps
-Uninfected burns
-Regeneration of uterine cervix

Sufrexal gel, vaginal application
Cervical ulcers: one applicator every 24 hours before bedtime for two weeks. If the patient exhibits hydrorrhea, it is recommended to wait until it has ceased to apply.
Sufrexal gel.
Ulcers in vulva and vagina: Sufrexal gel should be applied every 24 hours before bedtime for two weeks.

In the case of Cervix lesions is recommended to take cytological vaginal study (papanicolau) for discard Neoplasic lesions.

I´m no doctor, but as well as this fantastic medicine has been helping me I think it was a serious mistake that I was prescribed it. I apparently never will be a doctor either because I clearly can´t even make a general diagnosis as to what gender classification my body currently occupies.

Jordan Grinstein made a stop over in La Peña, El Salvador last weekend. He is curently working or throwing up in Ciudad de Guatemala and gave me a call to come make a visit. So you know what we did? We met up, we chatted, and we went to the emergency room together.

Last Sunday morning (2 May) I was feeling a little anxious so we decided to go hiking. It had been pouring in La Peña for about 4 straight days but I felt that Jordan deserved a look at those beautiful, highly coveted pine trees.

My family watched me put some jeans on, grab a bandana to wear so that everyone would know immediately that I am less than reputable, grab my machete, advise Jordan to spare his clean boxers and to wear dirty ones to go hiking in the pouring rain with, and wake up Regalo for some 4 legged company.

2 hours later my family watched me come running up to the house with a Thermal wrapped around my right hand dripping so much blood that the dogs from town were chasing me to get a taste. They also watched Jordan saunter cavalierly behind me with his camera taking pictures of his own shoes and of people´s blue fences. ´God damn it´ they must have thought ´can´t leave these inept gringos alone for even a minute.´

The skinny is that I fell. Here´s how...

We were starving so we decided to make quick work of this mountain habíamos conquistado. On the way down we came across a pretty large ravine that was about 2 meters deep and wide enough that your´s truly, Gregory ´I´ve never met a canyon I couldn´t jump´ Cormier, questioned if I could make it or not. My doubt was met with a rather haughty ´I´d do it´ from over my right shoulder.

Side note: the dog can´t talk.

So I jumped, made a landing Shawn Johnson would have envied, took an adjustment hop and slipped hard enough on wet zacate that I still have a bruise on my left hip bone. I look up at Jordan and we shared a hearty laugh about how I couldn´t stick it cleanly before I realized I had let my machete best me.

This is how I strolled off the mountain: pouring a mix of sweat, mountain rain, and blood, trailed by a tail of playful chuchos, my right hand making its best attempt to immitate my incomplete left, and the new gringo in town acting as if he had never seen a fence, camera, or a parade of a bloody idiot and hungry dogs before.

The hospital of Metapan stitched me up nicely...Jordan has got the whole operation on video, and all the crude pre-operation photos as well. I got 7 stitches in my middle finger, 2 in my ring finger, and cut my dedito at such an awful angle they couldn´t stitch it. So you know what they did to fix the little pinky? You guessed it! Sufrexal! I have been putting this women´s personal cream on my open herida for the past week and it was worked wonders.

(Anyone know that Mitch Hedburg joke about birdcage glue? That applies here.)

I also found out the wasy way that Health Care here is free. 9 Stitches, some vagina cream, and a mess of antibiotics later I walked out without having to call Blue Cross Blue Shield or know the last four digits of my father´s social security number. I love this country.

I hope that helps explain why throwing bones is so hard for this gender disoriented man.